Writing Every Which Way

Novels, poems, and writing tips

Sunshine Blogger Award?


So, I was just casually eating a quesadilla that was way too big for my stomach when I got an email. This email informed me that I’d been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by the lovely Jess Combs! I took a break from my too large quesadilla to do a little research into what this thing was and then finally got excited!

There was a full 43 seconds where I fangirled over the fact that Jess Combs nominated me (I’m obsessed with her blog! So funny that you just need to check it out).

I still kind of don’t know what this whole thing is about, but I believe it’s to show appreciation for the bloggers who need to be noticed! I’m a little new to the blogging thing, but I was able to scrounge up a few bloggers to show my appreciation for.

*Drum roll*

Here’s the people I’m going to nominate:

1. The Book Wars– Thanks for inspiring me to finally get my butt back into the reading mood.

2. From the Laundry Room– Every time I read your posts I just can’t stop laughing!

3. Orange Pond Connects– Thanks for being one of my first amazing followers and understanding what it’s like to be a writer.

4.Alex Nevala-Lee– “Quote of the day” Is a genius idea for your blog and it’s truly inspirational along with the rest of your blog.

5. Love and Olives– Your enthusiasm for all things is just mind blowing! So much happiness 🙂 (Congrats on the engagement!)

6. Wibbly Wobbly Bloggy Woggy Stuff– Not only is your title Doctor Who related but you’re a good friend and deserve some recognition.

7. Crumpled Paper Cranes– Thanks for seriously telling it how it is!

8. D. L. Karnstra– Your dedication to writing is crazy insane. I can never find the time yet you MAKE time!

9. You Young Adult Nostalgic– Thanks for your support of my own blog and for scaring the crap out of me with the massively philosophical posts I’ve stumbled across on yours!

10. Prophecy Six– Thanks for really telling it how it is! You keep writing honesty and that’s an ideal trait to have.

11. Daily (W)rite You inspire so many bloggers, and judging by your comments you constantly remind them that you’re reading and seeing their posts. You deserve some recognition for that.

Now that the nominees know who they are, here’s the Sunshine Blogger Award rules if you wish to accept the nomination!


  1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you in your own post (Aka. Me 🙂  )
  2. List 11 bloggers that you think deserve a nomination according to the point of the award. These are your nominees. (You can’t re-nominate the person who nominated you)
  3. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator created for you. (Mine for you will be below.)
  4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answers
  5. Inform your 11 nominees that you nominated them.

Basically, you’re just going to make a post very similar to this one!

My Answers to Jess Combs 11 Questions:

1. Who is/ are your favorite author(s)? My opinions change VERY quickly now-a-days but for now my two favorite authors are Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen. Jane Austen is just hilarious to me for some reaons, is she supposed to be or is it just me? And Oscar Wilde really speaks to me (dramatic) in his writing. My favorite book of his is “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and after struggling with a bad year, that book made me realize some very important things… if that makes any sense.

2. What hobbies do you have? Other than the usual reading and writing, I’m really into theatre. I do a lot of shows for my school, but recently I’ve branched out to do some more public shows.

Oh! And I watch Netflix! That’s a hobbie… right?

3. What is one thing that is always guaranteed to make you smile? My family will ALWAYS be able to make me smile. Yes, sometimes I want to strangle them, but we’re usually on pretty good terms. I would be nowhere without my parents and two older brothers.

4. Do you spend to much time on the internet? Yes. Nothing else to say. Just, yes.

5. Do you have a phobia? BEES! Why do bees have to freaking exist? Can’t they just stay away? THEY’RE the reason I’m an introvert. BLAME THEM, MOM!

6. Why do you blog? I blog because I want to show the world I exist. It also helps that I’m a teenage writer in a world of very crappy YA writers so I feel it’s my duty to the universe to lead those writers to the truth about teens.

7. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? BEEEEES!

8. Do you sing along with the radio even if other people are around? Just because I’m in musicals doesn’t mean I’m good… I’d rather savor my aquantances hearing 🙂

9. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? “Ah! Alarm! Turn it off! Who’s in the shower? Is Austin (oldest brother) home? What time is it? SHUT UP ALARM!”

10. What makes you really angry? I’m a teenager so basically everything makes me angry: People at my school, my ‘friends’, the fact that summers ending, YA writers who don’t know what it’s like to be a teen, bad writers, the fact that I have a car sitting there mocking me until I actually get my license. I could go on for days but I assume you don’t actually care….

11. What would you change about yourself if you could? Is it wrong to say nothing? I’m satisfied with who I am. I wouldn’t trade my life for anyones (except maybe Jennifer lawrences’)

Now that I’ve rambled about myself, it’s your turn:

  1. Who do you write your blog for?
  2. Would you call your sense of humor average or a little strange? Why?
  3. What did you imagine your future would be like when you were a child?
  4. Do you prefer listening to your radio, your ipod (IPhone, mp3, whatever), CD, or other, while in the car?
  5. If your house was on fire and all living inhabitants were safely out of harm, what would you grab before you left? Why?
  6. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of “love” (romantic or family, doesn’t matter)?
  7. What’s your philosophy on finding happiness?
  8. Why did you start your blog?
  9. What was your favorite past time as a kid?
  10. If you could miraculously get any role in a musical, TV show, or movie, who would you want to be?
  11. How difficult do you imagine writing 11 questions for your nominees will be?

Thanks again for checking out this post and happy blogging to everyone! 🙂

(Excuse any mistakes in this post, I didn’t edit it much)

Author: Madi Uram

I'm just another young writer hoping to get noticed in the world of publication. The majority of my time is put into writing novels, but I'm no stranger to journalism, playwriting, and critical essay's, too. I'm also the author of "The Little Paragons" which can be found on Amazon.com.

7 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award?

  1. Thank you for the nom! Looks like a fun award to do 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kudos for the award! I love Jess Comb too 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you SO MUCH! Your nomination made my day so much brighter. And there’s boatloads of positivity overflowing from your page as well. “Is it wrong to say nothing.” Absolutely not! This message is a strong one and I love it. Looking forward to reading more from you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award | The Book Wars

  5. Pingback: Remarkable October Afternoons – The Sunshine Blogger Award | Crumpled Paper Cranes

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